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Rename all file names using database tags

You can select between Album, Artist, Track Number, Title, Time and SongID and a delimiter to choose your new desired file name format of files on the harddisks!

    Further important feature of NordBeat's Jukebox is this sound file 'Renamer'!
    You can select between Album, Artist, Track Number, Title, Time and SongID
    and a delimiter to choose your new desired file name format of files on the harddisks!

   NOTE: There's a auto number function inside to avoid overwriting existing files.
    If you selected i.e. Title only for renaming the files and you have multiple sound files
    with the same name, the 'Renamer' will rename the songs like this way:

    - Sample Title.mp3
    - Sample Title1.mp3
    - Sample Title2.mp3
    - Sample Title3.mp3
    - etc...

    See also -> Tutorial for using 'Rename' and 'Folder Structure Generator'