Welcome to NordBeat's Jukebox Online Help
This is the Administration
Center to
manage, organize and modify all Songs, Albums, Artists, Scripts etc...
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between Bar Mode and Admin Mode
You can toggle between Admin
Mode and Bar or Kiosk Mode to run the Jukebox in a Bar or Pub.
Shortcut key is [F1].
of Kiosk -Mode...]
• Scan
Harddrives, Network and Removable Storages for new Sound Files...
When starting the Jukebox for the first time or you have
any new files to store in the database,
you have to scan all your desired Sound files (mp3,
ogg, wav,
etc...) on your hard drives,
network or removable storages to
build Jukebox's internal database.
You can select multiple folders or drives for scanning the
[Picture and more...]
Quick Scan Folder
Pressing the funcktion key
[F11] will scan a specified folder [Jukebox
Settings] quickly without opening
the Scan Window.
Audio-CD Ripper
Opens the Audio-CD Ripper to
convert (MP3, OGG, WAV, etc...) your CDs directly into the NordBeat's
[Picture and more...]
Organizer Settings Wizard
Global organizing settings for NordBeat's Jukebox
used by db-Scripts...
[Picture and more...]
Jukebox Settings
Global settings for NordBeat's Jukebox...
[Picture and more...]
db Script Editor
Need more functionality in your
Jukebox? Go ahead with the db Script editor, to write your own scripts
to organize and manage the sound files. Shortcut key is
[Picture and more...]
Peer-2-Peer Console
The Sharing Tool for sharing your Songs with your
[Picture and more...]
Show Progress Monitor
Popups the Progress Monitor to
control job activity of Jukebox.
View Error during last operation
You can trace and control the error log for all
errors occured (Status Monitor) during last operations.
NordBeat's Jukebox
Register your Jukebox with this
NordBeat's Jukebox
Keep your Jukebox up-to-date
with this option. An Internet connection is required for this online update.
Show Tip Of The Day...
Need a Tip? Click this to show
all Tips for NordBeat's Jukebox.
About NordBeat's
See installed version of
Jukebox and other information like support, forums, and so on...